Picture of By Sally Scott

By Sally Scott

Radio Dachshund FM

Wow, What a Nerve-Racking Experience, but Once the Nerves Calmed Down, a Great One!

This week, I had the amazing opportunity to be featured on Radio Made in Kent along with my script writer Rich, talking all about my business, Tails from Me to You. Let me tell you, stepping into that studio was a whole new level of excitement mixed with a touch of anxiety! But after a few deep breaths and a little encouragement from the lovely team, our nerves began to settle. We found ourselves really enjoying the conversation and sharing the story behind Sally’s Six, my beloved pack of dachshunds who inspired this journey.

I talked about how my six little furballs — each with their own personalities — became the heart of Tails from Me to You. From kids’ books to cuddly toys, they’ve been the muse behind the products that I’m so proud to sell. Sharing how it all started, how I wanted to create something that brings joy to kids and families, and how much fun it’s been to turn their antics into stories and plush companions was a highlight of the experience. Also being able to share the bigger scripts that we have waiting in the wings to be animated.

The hosts were so welcoming, and before we knew it, we were laughing and chatting away like we had been on the radio a hundred times. It was a fantastic opportunity to talk about the passion behind the brand, the process of designing the merchandise, and how much joy Sally’s Six bring to the people who’ve supported the business. We also got to touch on the community we’re building around our products, which really excites me!

It was nerve-wracking, but stepping out of my comfort zone made me realize how passionate I am about what I do. I’m thrilled that I had this chance to spread the word about Tails from Me to You and can’t wait to see where this journey takes me next!
